Community Service Projects
Can-Do-Quilters (CDQ) work individually at home and as a group to cut, sew, and piece quilts with the goal of each person to complete at least one quilt per year to be given to Interfaith Family Services (IFS) in Dallas. NWC members donate quilts of varying sizes which are then distributed by IFS to each of the residents who are living in fully furnished apartments provided at IFC. The adult of each family is aided in all aspects of job application, interviewing, and securing a job, while their children are cared for as needed. IFC helps them obtain an apartment of their own when ready, having reached the goal of independent living. CDQ members feel blessed to share their skills with those who are working very hard to better their lives and those of their children, and hope that each recipient feels our warmth and encouragement as they wrap themselves in our quilts.
Interfaith Family Services
The mission of Interfaith Family Services is to empower families in crisis to break the cycle of poverty. They work to stabilize homeless families by providing 25 fully-furnished apartments, then build self-worth by helping parents identify a purpose that will help them love their work. Finally, they provide families with new skills via counseling, training, and job search support to help them land a career with a livable wage while providing the financial coaching needed to make the most of their new income. NWC volunteers cook and deliver casseroles for new residents; decorate and donate Christmas wreaths for each of the apartments; and help with the Christmas store where parents “shop” for their children and children “shop” for their parents.
Community Partners of Dallas
Community Partners of Dallas is dedicated to providing safety, dignity, and hope to abused children by providing support to the caseworkers of Dallas County Child Protective Services. Volunteers work in the warehouse during the holidays sorting Christmas toys collected annually for children in foster homes. Other opportunities may arise during the year as the need occurs.
Dallas Arboretum
The Arboretum is a 66-acre display garden located on the shores of White Rock Lake with a view of downtown Dallas. The garden is known for its seasonal color all year long. The Arboretum has an interactive Children’s Adventure Garden to bring earth science education to children with 17 interactive galleries. NWC volunteers may also help by providing information and greeting visitors at the historic DeGolyer Estate; the Information Booth; Hoffman Family Gift Store; assist staff in selling and renewing memberships; and volunteering during the Fall/Pumpkin Festival.
North Dallas Shared Ministries
North Dallas Shared Ministries (NDSM) is an interfaith community of volunteers providing charitable assistance and emergency aid to families in the Dallas area. This includes furnishing school uniforms and school supplies to over 3000 students each year, distributing food to seniors on fixed incomes and families in need. NDSM also provides medical and dental care, ESL classes, job counseling, and tax preparation. NWC volunteers can perform a variety of duties such as interviewing, working in the food pantry or clothes closet, teaching ESL classes, computer input, job counseling, and uniform distribution.
Network of Community Ministries
Network is a non-denominational organization in Richardson with three core programs: Emergency Services, providing food, clothing, and utility services for those in need; the Adolescent and Children’s Clinic, meeting the acute medical care and dental needs of uninsured children; and Seniors’ Net, dedicated to providing those aged 60+ with the resources to live independently in their own homes. NWC volunteers help with shifts in the Clothes Closet or Food Pantry. NWC volunteers also help assemble or distribute holiday food and gift bags to seniors prior to Thanksgiving and Christmas and help on an “as needed” basis with special projects.
Dallas Casa
This non-profit agency provides Court Appointed Special Advocates for children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse and neglect. In the summer, Dallas CASA presents its Parade of Playhouses in NorthPark Center. For this fun-filled community event, generous architects, builders, organizations, corporations, and individuals design, build and donate extraordinary children’s playhouses to raise funds so that Dallas CASA can provide more volunteer advocates to help children who have been abused or neglected have safe, permanent homes where they can thrive. NWC members help sell raffle tickets for the opportunity to win a playhouse. All proceeds from the raffle ticket sales and sponsorships benefit the children served by Dallas CASA.
Frisco Family Services
Frisco Family Services Food Pantry and Resale Store are located in Frisco, serving Frisco & Frisco ISD, which includes parts of Plano, McKinney, and Little Elm. For over 25 years, FFS has helped improve the quality of life, and has helped achieve self-sufficiency for those who are facing hunger, homelessness, and other urgent needs. Volunteers work in the food pantry; the Resale Store; special projects; Back2School Fun Fair; Feed Frisco Neighborhood Food Drive; Christmas distribution of toys and clothing; the Senior Silver Bells Celebration; and the Summer Lunch program feeding kids who would normally be getting free and reduced lunch during the school year.
Genesis Women’s Shelter
Genesis provides emergency shelter, transitional housing apartments, and nonresidential counseling to women and children fleeing domestic violence. NWC members can help with monthly meals for the women and children in the program, or work on special events such as the December Holiday Drive. Other opportunities include the special purse project for Mother’s Day, work at the Shelter, Annie’s House, the Outreach office, or the thrift store.
Landmark of Plano
Landmark of Plano is a rehabilitation and nursing center which promotes independence and emotional wellbeing. Landmark provides a skilled nursing facility whether for a short-term rehabilitation stay, long term care, or clinically complex cases. NWC volunteers host a monthly Bingo Party for the residents.
Emily’s Place
Emily’s Place is a 24-month residential program which promotes emotional healing and the development of life skills for survivors of domestic violence and their children, enabling them to transition from a difficult past to a bright future. The program includes one-on-one counseling; vocational assistance; and weekly evening programs such as parenting classes, healthy relationship education, financial management workshops, and job readiness. Volunteer opportunities may include general office assistance; help with mailings; childcare during evening classes; preparing a meal once a month for residents; and preparation for and participation in fundraising events. Volunteers may also help organize the “Blessing Bag” program which provides household, baby, and personal care items for their residents.
Refresh Frisco
Refresh Frisco works directly with the Frisco Independent School District. Their mission is to ensure every child in the community has access to personal hygiene items. Because proper hygiene is important for a child’s health, well-being and self-confidence, RF provides “Refresh Packs” to qualifying students quarterly. These packs include shampoo, conditioner, body wash or soap, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, lip balm, and a comb or brush. Students in middle and high school also receive deodorant, shaving cream and feminine hygiene products. NWC members help fill the packs for distribution.
LifeSavers Foundation
LifeSavers Foundation’s mission is to employ and assist single mothers and children in crisis. The Foundation’s Upscale Resale Store offers new and gently used clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, home décor, household items, books, videos, music, furniture, and other merchandise to the general public. Proceeds help fuel The Doctor Spot, a movable unit providing sonograms for mothers and immunizations, hearing and vision screenings, and exams for children who have no insurance. Volunteer opportunities include: sorting, hanging, and sizing clothing at the store; displaying household items for sale; providing food for “Lunch with LifeSavers” events at the Resale Store; assisting with the set-up of the boutique at the Spring Luncheon at the Dallas Country Club; and counting items at the yearly store inventory in January.
Literacy Achieves
Established in 1997 as Vickery Meadow Learning Center, this agency changed its name in 2017 to reflect its tremendous growth in services throughout the Dallas area. Literacy Achieves’ mission is to equip non-English speaking adults and their young children with English literacy and life skills to promote self-sufficiency and the overall well-being of the students, their families and the greater community. Serving over 1200 adult students and 300 young children each year, Literacy Achieves’ 325 volunteer teachers participate in two-hour classes mornings, afternoons and evenings at four locations.
Volunteers teach a two-hour class once a week, or participate in “one time only” events such as the teacher appreciation luncheon or the student recognition ceremony at the end of the year.
George W. Bush Presidential Center
The George W. Bush Presidential Center provides volunteer opportunities as Docents and Visitor Services Volunteers. Docents volunteer in the museum as experts on the various exhibits. They may also assist in the museum experience through group learning activities, demonstrations, and community outreach programs. Visitor Services volunteers are docents-in-training who serve on the museum floor as ambassadors who orient visitors and answer questions about the museum.
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital For Children
The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRH) is a non-profit, world-renowned leader in the treatment of orthopedic conditions such as scoliosis, club foot, hand differences, developmental differences, hip disorders, sports injuries and fractures, as well as certain related arthritic and neurological disorders such as dyslexia. NWC has been volunteering at the TSRH for over 26 years. Members can sign up as a weekly volunteer. NWC also participates in a Special Project program during the Christmas Season. NWC decorates 3-60 ft. railings that overlook the main lobby, the 12 ft boardroom Christmas tree, and 1 tree located on the patient level. We also decorate 1 tree located in the new medical facility in Frisco.
Our Friends Place
Our Friends Place Transitional Living Center program is a supervised shared apartment living program that helps young women become economically self-sufficient through education, employment, and development of interpersonal life skills. Periodically rooms need to be refreshed with window coverings, bedding and art work. Volunteers plan, shop, and provide implementation of the project.